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Overnight Tent Trip
Zip Line
Climbing Wall
Challenge Course
Bible Preaching
Forest Games
Fire Building
Knot Classes
Pocket Knife Classes
Scripture Memory
Water Balloon Wars
Crazy Games
Campfire Singing
Character Classes

This program is NOT for children that have been institutionalized,  rather, it is for boys and girls who may be headed in a dangerous direction or need foundation building.  If a parent's goal is to get their child "On Track" before it is to late, this may be just what you are looking for.

  Ages 8-11

July 22-30
 The "OnTrack" program is uniquely designed to build and instill core character traits that are essential to a God-honoring relationship with parents, teachers, leaders, siblings, and society as a whole.


 Our goal is to aid parents in getting their young people "on track" before they reach the difficult teenage years and find themselves needing a switch in direction.

 In addition to setting boys and girls "on track", building character, and a closer walk with God, this program is an action packed, 9-day introduction to the outdoors in the remote Appalachian forests.


Ages 8-11

July 22-30
During this 9-day adventure, boys and girls will be faced with practical and Biblical instruction to help them understand the role that God has for leadership in their lives. The OnTrack program is bathed in fun and excitement and is designed to help the camper to enjoy their stay, all while building a foundation vital to their future.

Campers are removed from their day to day schedule and placed in a controlled environment where they are isolated from their regular comfort zones. This helps to produce an awareness for what is really important in life. It can also provide a new-found appreciation for what they have taken for granted.

A big focus of the OnTrack program is to help campers to understand their personal role underneath leadership in their life, to understand the need for personal responsibility, and to learn to control their actions and words.

Overview of the 9-days

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See Programs For Teenagers

"If you fear that your child may be struggling with character flaws that will only get worse as they get older, then this program may be what they need.  Waiting until later can be a dangerous decision."
- Jason J. Perlak, Director and Founder



Copyright 2009 all rights reserved.
The Wilderness Christian Camp & Retreat Center, Inc.