
Brief overview of the 9 days...
The first 3 days
are focused on relationship building, team building,
and a light introduction to outdoors
in the Appalachian forests. On the first day campers will be
introduced to their guide staff and meet their new
teammates as they embark on an adventurous 9-days of
excitement and learning. They will load all their
luggage and personal belongings onto camp trucks and
begin the one-mile hike into camp on foot. After a
brief orientation campers will then get a first glance
at their new living quarters as they make their way to
our challenge course to play some get-acquainted games
and begin some team building challenges.
Throughout the entire 9-day
journey, campers are always supervised and never have
"free time". Every minute of the day is scheduled and
purposed. From the "Rise and Shine" bugle in the
morning to the closing campfire devotions each night,
camper's are on a targeted course toward building
lasting values and core character traits that are
essential to a God-honoring life. Each part of the
learning process is bathed in fun and excitement and
is designed to help the camper have a desire to learn
and grow. Campers will often be pushed to new levels
of achievement threw team competitions and personal
youth is better then mending adults..."
As the program progresses and days
begin to pass campers will soon realize that each of
the 9 days are themed with a particular core character
quality. An entire day's games, activities, preaching,
adventures and devotion times will be unified to point
at one quality that they can add to or perfect in
their individual lives. Campers will focus on truth,
respect, attitude, kindness, obedience, gratefulness
and much more. The goal is to bring into check natural
misbehavior flaws like, whining, back-talk, fits,
disobedience, pride, lying, hitting, anger, revenge,
selfishness, obstinance and other such behavior.
Throughout the program
campers will be exposed to outdoor life and
fun activities such as, Archery, Hiking, Overnight Tent Trip, Zip Line, Climbing Wall, Challenge Course, Bible Preaching, Forest Games,
BB Guns, Fire Building, Knott Classes, Pocket Knife Classes, Scripture Memory, Water Balloon Wars, Crazy
Games, Campfire Singing, Character Classes and so much
As camp begins to wind
toward the final days of the program, things
begin to slow down a bit as campers are asked
to focus on home and the fact they they will
soon be entering back into "real life". Staff
will encourage campers to examine what they
have learned and what they might need to
change when they return home.
The last 24 hours of the
OnTrack program is an amazing
time for campers. The last evening together as a group
is spent around what we call a "testimony fire".
Campers can share with the group what the Lord has done in
their lives during the past 8 days. They will laugh
and share funny memories and often talk about
how grateful they are for the time they got to
spend at camp. This encouraging time of
reflection is often a time when campers
mentally and spiritually seal the decisions
they made that can then become lasting
life-long traits.
The final hours of the OnTrack program are spent
in celebration. The program closes with a
camper/parent picnic and award ceremony. This is a
very fulfilling and exciting time for both parents and
campers as campers are presented with trophies and
ribbons and have the opportunity to show their parents
around the camp property. Not all parents are able to
attend this time, yet it is always the big highlight
of the program as camper's are awarded for their
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